
Monday, 20 March 2017

Watch young designer Matty Bovan’s new film on girlhood

Celebrating Barbie’s birthday, the designer goes home to York to create GIRLNESS

Barbies 58th anniversary has just passed and there was no better way than to collaborate and showcase her birthday with designer Matty Bovan producing the film 'Girlness'. Barbie is known for the looks, different styles as well as having an array of jobs. In my opinion the video isn't what you would expect their collaboration to look like. Rather than being full of fakeness, cliche models and sexualisation, it takes a different approach and seems surprisingly natural. it showcases how girls are in 2017 rather than the stereotypical 'barbie' figure. 

Bovan said in an interview that Barbie was a huge influence for him growing up. He said he saw Barbie as a blank canvas that he used to make his first designs. 

The models consist of social media girls rather than the thin 'perfectly' proportioned girl we associate barbie to be. this is something i really admire in this short film. The unpredictability. Bovan said that he wanted to cast people with a real sense of who they are, showcasing modern characters. 

the models were dresses in pieces from his ss17 collection which were consciously un gendered. he wanted to push the boundaries of what defines femininity. ' She can be transformed into anything your imagination wants'. 

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